• Shadowood Farm

  • 2858 Palm Deer Drive
    Loxahatchee, FL 33470

  • Laura Roesing
    head trainer/instructor
    (815) 814-3845

  • laroesing@earthlink.net

  • Facebook

Fresh air in the outdoor. Ahhhhhh

Carter and I had a fabulous lesson this afternoon. In. The. Outdoor! Finally, winter has moved on and spring is in the air. I think we surprised Laura today. Yes, we still have a lot to work on, but, we did great for the first time in a new arena for us both. New sights, new noises, Carter loves being outside so I thought he’d do great, and he didn’t disappoint

Things to continue working on: right lead canter depart by turning my right shoulder into the turn, keeping him flexed around my inside leg, cue with my inside leg in front of the girth.  Keep my hands steady! Keep him engaged, collected and push him through wanting to fall in or onto the trot until I ask for that. Organize myself before asking. 04/05/13

Create the wall and other breakthroughs

Carter and I had a breakthrough yesterday. It didn’t come easily. Laura had me ride first — which is the first in quite a long time… maybe even since I started at Shadowood. Carter and I trotted off…but it wasn’t an easy trot. He wasn’t exactly forward and he wasn’t staying on the bit – even with the whip. Laura and I realized that although he had an extended trot there was no way I was going to be able to get a collected canter. So, off I went and on she went. I knew as soon as she hopped on he’d be forward, collected, and ready to go. And, it wasn’t more than a few minutes and he was. It wasn’t until Laura exaggerated her hand placement and her leg movements that the light bulb went off. I finally SAW her outside hand steady and placed firmly at the saddle while her inside hand (exaggerated for effect) was moving him, bending him, turning him, coaxing him. VIOLA! She jumped off and I back on and we had the ride of our lives! I still have much work do to, but we had a breakthrough (or at least I did) and as long as Laura reminds me to create the wall, hand planted on the saddle I’m hoping that next ride will be the ride of our lives, too!

Posted by Sue.